The firm

The Firm provides assistance and advice to domestic and foreign clients, in all areas of civil law.

Maria Agnese Riccio and Anne Myard work in Italian, French and English.

The firms is accredited with the Consulate of France in Milan.

The firm supplies an overall assistance, with the support of accountants, notaries public, labour consultants and criminal law counsels.


Maria Agnese Riccio

Admitted to the Italian Bar.

Graduated from the University of Milan.

Interpreting and translation degree in English and French, Scuola Superiore per Interpreti e traduttori of Milan.

Anne Myard

Admitted to the Italian Bar.

Graduated from the University of Nanterre, Paris X, Paris.

Diplôme d’études approfondies en droit public de l’économie, University of Assas, Paris II.

Practice areas


  • drafting of employment contracts for all categories of workers: executives, managers, white-collar and blue-collar workers

  • drafting of non competition covenants and of confidentiality agreements

  • drafting of fixed-term duration employment contracts

  • drafting of agency contracts

  • advice to foreign companies employing Italian workers, on negotiation, development and termination of employment relationships

  • assistance in disciplinary procedures

  • drafting of disciplinary codes

  • assistance concerning transfers, secondments and any change of conditions of employment contracts

  • due diligence on employment and social security issues

  • transfers of companies

  • termination agreements

  • individual and collective dismissals

  • health and safety at work

  • injuries and professional illness


  • assistance to companies and individuals in civil law litigation in the Italian territory

Commercial and corporate

  • debt recovery

  • assistance in the setting up of companies

  • corporate governance

  • negotiation and drafting of commercial agreements

  • drafting of commercial agreements

  • drafting of forms pursuant to Law 231/2001

  • data protection: assistance in compliance with GDPR


  • legal separation and divorce

  • conservartorship


  • litigation concerning conflicts of laws and applicable law

  • execution of foreign courts' rulings

  • European order for payment procedures

  • drafting of international contracts

  • assistance in divorce cases for spouses of different nationality

  • assistance to Italian clients in cases brought abroad


Head office:

Via Cesare Battisti, n. 11

20122 - Milan

tel: (00 39) 02 87 21 21 39

fax: (00 39) 02 58 43 75 96


Certified email:

Other offices:


11, avenue de l’Opéra

75001 - Paris


Via Enrico da Monza, n. 44

20052 - Monza

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How to get to the firm:

Underground, Line 1, “San Babila” station

Tramways 12, 19, 27

Bus 54, 60, 61, 73, 84, 94


Via Francesco Sforza, 4

Via Visconti di Modrone, 12

Via San Barnaba, 18

Via Fontana, 20